About Me

I’m Ashif Jafrani, a 21-year-old, lives in India. I build this website to connect with people who are interested to learn new things, just like me. My only motto is to learn together to grow together and become the best of ourselves, no more copy of someone else.

I love to learn about psychological experiments and new things, the stock market, life lessons, spirituality, reading books, and knowing about books. If you’ve something new to teach me or want to learn with me then follow me on some social media (like’ medium, pinterest and quora) or follow my blog. we’ll teach each-other via sharing blogs and share with others to join this chain.

I’m highly impressed, learned, and motivated by Robin Sharma and Jay Shetty. because of them, I’m living my new life. I’m so grateful to both.

Let’s build something together- our life… our new life

All changes are hard at first, messy at middle and gorgeous at the end

Robin Sharma

Fear comes from lack of knowledge, accelerate your learning and eliminate your fear.

Jay Shetty

The last of human freedoms – the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.

Dr. Viktor E. Frankl

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